Thursday, May 7

498 posts deleted.

and... I regret nothing.

Somehow, deep down, I knew I never once needed a blog.

Reading those old stuffs make me cringe! Like... WHY??!?!! And gosh how childish I am back then. Seriously. HAHAHA~

Come to think of it, I would never write anything unless someone reminds me. Well thank you. Ooh YES YOU!! *cough*Rina*cough*.

I don't even know where do I get the courage to write anything (back then) and to delete everything (past 3 hours). Maybe being a responsible adult changes me, like, A LOT! 
But that doesn't mean I should stop. Being a blogger for 6 years do mean something, even the slightest. 

Final results, it's 50-50. Regretting it AND not so regretting about it. It's all up to me, anyhow.


Thank you for reading!


Anonymous said...

actually u delete it because I said I wanna change my blog face followed my age n kematangan.. TIRU la tu. Btw, still suka background hitam eh?
ngeeee :D

p/s: thanks mention me here. What a famous friend!

Maizatulhida Najla said...

YES! Black background is the easiest.
and like I said, I never once needed a blog unless YOU reminded me